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A wild year

It has been almost a whole year since I started my full-time self-employment. I am proud to share my experiences and insights in my first blog post. I want to outline my journey as an entrepreneur in the first year of self-employment and talk about the challenges and successes I have been privileged to experience. Taking the step into self-employment was an important milestone in my life. And I am surprised at what I have achieved in just one year.


My first challenge was to apply for a grant for my self-employment. To be eligible for financial support, it is important to know the different options and make the right decision. This can be a complicated process, however, as there are many papers that need to be filled out before most grants can be applied for. But with good planning, preparation and some help, I was able to successfully submit my application for a startup grant.

Writing a business plan was the biggest challenge for me, because writing is simply not my strong suit. But I decided to do my best to increase my chances of success. I researched online for different examples and got advice from friends and colleagues. In the end, I had gathered enough information to write my business plan, got professional help for the numbers and was able to apply for the grant.

Ipad mit einem Businessplan, dazu ein Stilft und eine Brille Ipad with a businessplan open, a pen and glasses


The first big project and a move

Despite the many challenges, there were also some successes to celebrate. Shortly after applying for my startup grant, I was able to take on my first big project. My first children's book! That was, however, in the middle of the process of our move..

Moving allowed me to have my own office where I could relax and be creative. Thanks to the new environment and the author's trust, I was able to illustrate my first children's book. It was an exciting undertaking, but with good planning and a lot of help with the move and setting up, I was able to manage it.

Das Buch Lilly Leichtfuß liebt ihre Oma wird von zwei Händen in die Kamera gehalten, Im Hintergrund ein gelber Sessel, Bilder und Pflanzen The book Lilly Leichtfuß liebt ihre Oma being presented to the camera, in the background a yellow armchair, pictureframes and plants
Einige Menschen inmitten der Ausstellung People in the Gallery
Die drei Ausstellerinnen und der Gastgeber auf der Bühne zur Vernissage The three artists and the host on the stage opening the vernissage
Zeitungsartikel über Meike Wallum und das Kinderbuch. Der Titel liest "Eine 3D-Spezialistin, die vegan malt" A newspaper article about the artist and the book, the title reads "a 3D specialist who makes vegan art"

The first exhibition and an interview

In spring, another big project was in the works already: my first exhibition together with Monika Kämper and Jana Schell. A big thank you to Monika for contacting me for this!

It was an exciting process, in which I learned a lot about the different aspects of preparing an exhibition and prepared myself for the setup. With each passing day, my excitement grew. In the end, the exhibition could take place in November and it was absolutely fantastic! I not only had the opportunity to present my art, but also to paint in front of an audience and make new contacts. Through my participation in the exhibition, I also gained attention from the local press, which then interviewed me for a portrait about me, which was published at the end of last year.

Photographs by Ralf Sattler. Thank you!

The year comes to a close on the christmas market

In December, I was able to exhibit and sell my work in my favorite cafe with about 25 other artists. It was a wonderful experience, as I had the opportunity to present my work to many new people and help other artists sell their work at the same time. It was also the perfect opportunity to make more new contacts and expand my network.

Kunsthandwerksmarkt mit vielen Bildern, Makramee, Genähtem und weiteren Dekoartikeln. Mittendrin eine beleuchtete Pflanze. The arts and crafts market with lots of paintings, macramee, sewed articels and lots of other lovely crafts.


In my first year as a freelancer, I have learned a lot. It was a challenge, but also an experience that I am proud of; the many new things I tried have encouraged me to keep going and to keep growing. I have made many valuable experiences and I am now better prepared than before. I have experienced a lot and I am sure that my future will be even more promising.

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